Monthly Archives: June 2012

Oh rice cereal

Day one and day two of Rice Cereal Project went okay. Nora took it but was not that psyched about it. Day 1: She made the face she makes when we give her vitamin D, the “yuck, this is gross but I guess I’ll eat it” face. After a few bites, she closed her lips to let me know she was closed for business.  And then she batted it away with her hand and became very interested in her octopus toy. Day 2: She still made that face and did that thing with her lips, but she ate a little bit more of it. Truth be told, I don’t think it tastes/looks/smells that great so I don’t really blame her.

Here’s a few pictures of Rice Cereal Project. Note the really awesome personalized bowl she’s eating out of. Our friend Rob Cartelli made that for her! Here’s a link to his Ceramics page:

Don’t know about you but I can’t wait to try bananas!


Filed under Nyack, Parenting

Proof that Nora is a love bug

Proof that Nora is a love bug

Can you tell them apart?


by | June 27, 2012 · 6:58 pm

Change is difficult but I gotta do it

Starting rice cereal today. We’ll see how it goes. The only sustenance she’s ever had is breast milk – from me.  It feels a little strange to give her something other.

I find that every time we introduce something new, it’s a little tough for me and so I procrastinate. This happened when it was time to move Nora into her own room at night, time for us to start a bedtime routine, time to stop bouncing her on that exercise ball for hours in the middle of the night. She’s okay, she adjusts pretty quickly to new things, but I belabor the decision to make a change because I don’t want her to go through a hard time. I might just need to rip off the Band-Aid or have someone give me a very gentle and very loving shove (that’s you Kevin). Hopefully, I’ll gain more confidence and realize how resilient she is and how easily she adapts to new situations. I want Nora to be comfortable trying new things, to take some risks and to play. If I want to teach her not to fear change, I should practice this myself. Maybe the way to do that is to just do it. (Huh. I guess Nike really has something there.)

So, that’s what I’m going to do. Just do it. As soon as Nora wakes up from her nap, I’m going to give her rice cereal and we’ll take it from there. Maybe she’ll love it!

Oh, she’s waking up now.

Wish us luck!  



Filed under Uncategorized

New house and slideshow

We moved to a new house! I haven’t posted for awhile because I’ve been a little preoccupied, over the last few weeks, with home improvement projects (packing, painting, unpacking, painting) while Kevin undertook a gargantuan wallpaper-removal project. We moved on Friday, getting the last box into the house about an hour before the torrential downpour. Kevin spent the weekend setting up the kitchen while I reacquainted myself with all of my old clothes and judged whether or not they should make the cut. High heeled boots — I’m sorry but you’re a goner. I have a baby now and I need my feet to be comfortable. Do you understand? Tie-dyed t-shirt that I made in seventh grade at camp and that I have not worn since high school — I should get rid of you, right? Nah. Welcome to my closet.

Nora seems to like her new abode so far. She’s felt comfortable expressing herself here. Her new thing is to move her mouth and her tongue and make these sorts of noises: Ah, blah, blah, bah, da, blah, gah, BLAH! She has also learned to grab her foot and stick her toes in her mouth. Oh, and we bought her this new Jumparoo, (thanks Ainsley for letting Nora borrow yours), and it is an endless party. Nora does this awesome sidestep jig sort-of move and there are monkey and elephant noises and music.

Well, I am way behind on my posts, so I thought I’d include a photo slideshow to highlight some of the events of the last month. Nora got to see lots of friends and family.

Here we go:

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Filed under home, Nyack, Parenting