Monthly Archives: March 2014

Wanna play a little minute?

Nora is a little person who speaks in complete sentences, who knows what she wants, who makes me laugh every day. Of course, she’s two, and some moments are challenging, but mostly, there is laughter and silliness. I can’t count all the words she knows because her vocabulary has gotten so big!

“I want…” is her favorite thing to say right now. “Um, uh, I wanna EAT. I wanna EAT.” “I wanna go downstairs.” “I wanna watch Dora.” She once said, “I wanna throw things.” And if you give her what she wants, she might laugh and say, “Oh, thank you. Thank you, Mommy,” or shove it away and say, “No, all done. I’m all done with the mango. I don’t wanna EAT anymore.”

She likes to say what things are not. She might point to a picture of a goose and say, “Not a doooog! Riight?” “I wanna play, not naaap. Not naaap.”

One morning, I went in to her room to check on her because she was sleeping so late I was getting worried. She was standing in her crib with a stuffed toy in her hand, looking suspicious, her hair a mess. “Um. I’m throwing things,” she said.

I love that she says, “Wanna take a little bath?” and “play a little minute?” and “eat a little minute?” She asks you the question in a high pitched voice with her head cocked to one side.

When you read her a book, she points at every single thing and says, “That is? That is? That is?”

She has started saying, “I wanna watch Dora today,” because when she asks me if she can watch it for the millionth time, I usually say, “You already watched Dora today.”

She is very interested in names. She’ll sometimes shout at strangers on the street: “Name?” It’s a little embarrassing if it’s someone I’m supposed to know. The other day, she pointed from her stroller at a man walking into his house. “Where’s the boy? Where’s the boy going?” She’s interested in our names too: “Daddy’s name is Kevin, right? My mommy’s name is Mamma.”

She has a good ol’ time in her crib while she’s supposed to be napping. I hear jumping, banging as she drops books to the floor and laughter. She sings all of her songs. “Merry, merry, merry, merry, life is but a dream. He he! That was fun! It’s so funny!”

She’s still so good at improvising. “Old MacDonald had a cheese with a yum yum here and a yum yum there.” And “Mommy mommy mommy ma” or “onion onion onion ah!”(To the tune of twinkle twinkle little star.) She can pretty much insert any phrase to any of her tunes.

When Kevin came home from work one day, I was giving her a bath. She heard him unlock the door and said, “Hi Daddy! We’re taking a bath! And singing!”

If someone approaches her and she’s feeling shy, she’ll poke my arm over and over, look the person straight on and say, “This is my Mommy. Right heeere.”

She’s trying to figure out the difference between poop and gas. Everytime she has gas she says, “I pooped,” so we tried to explain the difference. Now she says, “I pooped gas. Riiight?”

She peed on the potty for the first time last month. It hasn’t happened again since. We let her sit on the potty every night. She’s so excited about it, but then is “all done,” after five seconds of sitting there.

She just talks and talks and talks….

“The fork is aaarang” (orange), “the leopard bear is reading a book” (this is actually a teddy bear in a leopard costume), “he’s sitting in his high chair,” “I have green on my hands,”  “the onion is very spicy right?”, “he kissed his mommy” (making a sea horse and an eagle kiss), “excuse me” (after a burp), “I see crickets at the quarium, right?” (that’s what stood out to her about our visit to the aquarium — a cricket. I think the cricket was actually food for the frogs, but she doesn’t know that), “I’m a boy!”, “I’m drinking milk and water together!,” “I’m singing the water dirty song!,” “she’s a tiny baby,” “I’m eating soup with yooogurt!”… and on and on and on…

She keeps me laughing. Hopefully she made you laugh too. 😉


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Flower girl

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Congrats Matty and Jackie!


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