Monthly Archives: August 2013

Prenatal yoga in Rockland County, NY

Hi everyone! I’m teaching a prenatal 4-week yoga series at the Union Arts Center in Sparkill, NY. The class will run Tuesdays Sept 17- October 8 from 7- 8:15pm. If you or anyone you know is pregnant, lives near Rockland County, NY and is interested in taking a yoga class, please spread the word! You can contact me with questions or sign up here:

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Nora at 19 months

Okay, what’s the little monkey up to?

She loves the swing. “Ming!” And while she swings, she says, “weee!” and “Nora!” I don’t know why she feels she needs to identify herself only on the swing.

She says more words than I can count because she repeats everything we say.

She says words in the possessive. “Mommy’s Agiss (glasses). Dada’s hats.” And sometimes she strings words together in a way that tells a story. “Ian. Pool. Bye bye.”

She loves the pool and the beach. “Omen”=ocean, “eekel”= seagull, “An”=sand, “daden”= dolpin, “lala” = umbrella.

She loves to “mon, mon, mon!” (run, run, run) on the boardwalk and she’s really fast. I mean, we have a hard time keeping up with her.

She goes through this night night routine that I just love. She’s very wistful as she looks up with those long eyelashes and says “nigh-nigh. Dada. Nigh-nigh. Pool. Nigh-nigh. Eena (Marina). Nigh-nigh. Ming, etc., etc. (And she goes through family and friends).

She says “yeah!” or “Yessss” to lots of questions, so I’ve started asking lots of questions like “Nora, will you remind me I need to stop at the Pharmacy on the way home?” And she says, “Yeeeahhhh.”

She knows what she wants when she wants it. If she’s sitting in her high chair and glances at a banana, she’ll cry and yell “Nana!” until it reaches her mouth. She thinks grocery shopping is like, oh, great, all-this-food-is-for-me-right-now time.

She throws food on the floor with such force and with such nonchalance, it would be funny if I didn’t have to clean it up.

I ran into someone from my high school the other day who I hadn’t seen since high school — we were out to dinner. This woman is really pretty and well-put-together. Nora first threw her spoon and then her nearly-empty apple sauce cup at this woman’s shoe. I was a little mortified.

She’s still climbing the furniture and jumping, squealing, laughing — thinking it’s a game. I have no idea how to stop this.

We’re taking a MyGym class to try to release some of that energy she has so she’ll stop climbing and jumping on the furniture. She LOVES it.

Yesterday, I was driving, and a block somehow hit the steering wheel. She’d launched it from her (rear-facing) car seat. Two shoes came next.

She’s a good hugger. “Hug!”

She gets really invested in random toys like a plastic hamburger patty. People laugh as we walk by, Nora in the stroller, and she’s whining for her “hamburger!” She also says that word like Steve Martin in Pink Panther. (Did anyone see that movie? I think that was the only funny part of that movie, that he can’t say hamburger without a French accent.)

She has moved to one nap a day and she sleeps for close to three hours.

She’s learning her colors.

She likes making animal noises.

I think it’s cute when she’s a little shy around other kids — especially because she’s such a chatterbox most of the time.

She’s so sweet, funny, silly, affectionate, pretty, etc, etc, etc. I love her!

Thanks for tuning in!


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ice cream and other summer fun


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