Monthly Archives: November 2013

The good things and the hard things

Good: When Nora says “hug! And squeezes me tight.” She so snugly and sweet.

Hard: She does this when she can’t sleep in the middle of the night and it’s impossible to ignore at 3am. “Mommy! Hug! Hug!” 

Good: She says funny things. She sits her toys down at her small table and says “birthday party!” And starts singing happy birthday to you. She also feeds her dolls (Food! Baby!”), she shoves them in drawers with a blanket and says “night night, sleep tight” and puts hats on them: “Raggedy Ann! Hat on!”

Hard: She had her first fever recently and it was the worst. I just hate when she doesn’t feel good. Her nose was all red and she has a little rash on her face. She was crying a lot more than usual.

Good: Her songs are the coolest. “ABababc! H I gg abc!” “Old menonal. Farm. Ee I ee I oh! Moo moo heya. Moo moo heya. Old menonal. Farm.  Ee I ee I oh! “

Hard: She requires that we listen to these songs over and over again in the car and won’t take no for an answer. “Ee I ee I oh. Ee I ee I oh. Ee I ee I oh. Ee I ee I oh.”

Good: She can say what she wants and doesn’t want. “Ba na na. Peese.” “All done dwive. (Driving)”

Hard: “All done” is her favorite thing to say so I hear it all day long. While I’m changing her diaper, trying to brush her teeth, wipe her nose, put her in the stroller: “All done! Hug! Hug!” When she wakes up from her nap she yells “All done! Mommy! hug!” (As you can see, many of the hard things are also good things because she’s pretty dang cute– and  dang clever too.)

Good: She still says night night to people and things before bedtime. The other night she said “night night. Watch Dora. Night night. All done.”

Hard: She takes every puzzle out of the cabinet and throws all the pieces on the floor, removes all magnets from the fridge and throws them on the floor, takes Tupperware from the kitchen drawer and throws it on the floor, empties all crayons from their boxes and… (I think you get it.) And worst of all– food on the floor. Now, people tell me this is a phase and will pass, but it’s not passing! Everything we make just gets casually thrown off the high chair. Carrots, apples, bread, cheese, pasta, apple juice, milk. And lately she’s been saying (in an exasperated tone) “Nora. No, no, no.” Or “hey hey hey. Peese don’t do dat.”

Good: The other day, on a road trip, I was trying to teach her to say “no thank you” instead of “all done” but she didn’t seem to get it. We all sang row row your boat and then daddy said “doesn’t mommy have a nice voice?”

 “No thank you,” Nora said. 😉

Love her.



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fall 2013 highlights


ImageImageImage2013-10-31 17.08.37 (2)2013-10-26 17.42.25 (2)Image2013-10-06 22.10.422013-10-27 11.05.34ImageImageImage

2013-10-29 16.31.482013-11-06 15.53.23 (2)2013-11-06 16.02.16


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